COMP1665 - Advanced Networks
Undergraduate 3rd year course
- Networks are a vital part of systems infrastructure. Both businesses and society in general is increasingly reliant on high performance networks. This course aims to provide students with theknowledge and critical understanding of the operation of current networks, their limitations and the characteristics that future networks should have. It will enable students to critically discuss the key principles and practices related to the effective professional practice of a network administrator, engineer or manager.
COMP1560 - Network Theory and Technologies
Undergraduate 2nd year course
- This course aims to provide students with the knowledge and critical understanding of the architectures and functionality of current and future communication infrastructures. It will provide students with critical insights and practical experiences of current communication protocols, techniques and devices and enable students to apply the techniques they have learned to carry out projects. It will enable students to communicate advanced communication concepts to both networking experts and non-experts and produce network specialists able to design, develop and implement networked systems.
COMP1609 - Network and Internet Technology and Design
MSc course
- The globalization of the Internet has succeeded faster than anyone could have imagined. Understanding of network technologies and related issues is essential for anyone involved in developing or managing distributed systems. This course will provide an introduction to the major network technologies, protocols, algorithms and tools needed to support the development and delivery of advanced network services over networks.
COMP1617 - Network Architectures and Services
MSc course
- Developers and innovators will use the Internet as a starting point for their efforts to create new products and services specifically designed to take advantage of the network capabilities. An in-depth understanding of underlying technologies in various computer and telecommunication networks is essential for anyone involved in developing or managing distributed systems. This course will provide advance concepts of lower network model, related technologies and services tools needed to support the development and delivery of advanced network services over networks.
COMP1668 - Network and Operating Systems
Undergraduate 2nd year course
- A large number of graduates from computer-related disciplines pursue careers in technical support involving various network configurations and disparate operating systems. In order to effectively contribute toward a successful systems support environment, the modern graduate requires a wide range of practical skills underpinned by a theoretical background.
COMP1715 - Scholarly and Academic Practice
Undergraduate 1st year course
- The aim of this course is to develop key scholarly and academic skills including; critical thinking, critical evaluation, research practices, information searching, gathering, evaluation and analysis in the context of computing and information system development. This includes developing the student’s personal skills such as team working, personal development planning, time management, developing ideas and report writing.
Previously Taught Modules
- COMP1687 - COMP1587 - Communication Systems (Undergraduate 1st year course, University of Greenwich)
- COMP1687 - Web Application Development (Undergraduate 3rd year course, University of Greenwich)
- COMP1688 - Service-Oriented Web Applications (Undergraduate 3rd year course, University of Greenwich)
- Network Management, Security and Disaster Recovery (MSc, Middlesex University, run in Middlesex's Hendon and Dubai Campuses)
- Distributed Systems (3rd year Undergraduate, Middlesex University)
- Network Routing and Protocols (3rd year Undergraduate, Middlesex University)
- Network Management (MSc, UEL)
- Advanced Topics in Computer Networks (3rd year Undergraduate, UEL)
- Network Programming (3rd year Undergraduate, UEL)
- Research Skills (3rd year Undergraduate, UEL)
- Introduction to Computer Networking (1st year Undergraduate, UEL)
- Introduction to Computer Systems (1st year Undergraduate, UEL)
Additional Teaching qualifications
- PG Cert in Learning & Teaching in Higher Education in 2012 from UEL
- Fellow of the Higher Education Academy since May 2012